Army/Marines and Infantry at home


New Member
I'm trying to get as much information, from as many sources as possible, before I make a decision.

I'm looking in the Armed Services for something that's an all-consuming part of my life, day in, day out. I've always been told that was looking for the Marines. However, this hasn't been from anybody actually in the Service. The Marines have a well established public image of high espirit de corps. Is it actually the case that they're a more tightly knit, fraternal a group than the Army is, or is that just Marketing?

I'm also looking for more information about Infantry. It seems as through there's enough for them to do and then some during deployment, but what do they do at home? Links would be wonderful, I've just had some trouble finding any sources at all.
My experiance the Marine Corps units are more tightly knit. The worst sin or one of the worst is that you screw a buddy over. Army infantry may be the same, I really don't know never was infantry in the army.

Infantry in garrison you train, pt, train, working parties, pt, train clean weapons, train etc etc.
It seems pretty universal for Marines everywhere.
If you're unmarried, the Corps will be a great place to go if you're willing to put up with the risks of being deployed. If you are married however, you will have a VERY hard time especially if you're of a lower rank.
Over here it seems like being married under the rank of E-7 is a VERY VERY tough life. I don't know if that's the case with the US, but I would imagine something of the similar nature. I'm sure some of our American servicemen here like 03 will be able help you with that part.
Who your CO and senior NCO is will have a strong bearing on how good the relationships in the unit are. The better they are, the closer the unit is.
It seems pretty universal for Marines everywhere.
If you're unmarried, the Corps will be a great place to go if you're willing to put up with the risks of being deployed. If you are married however, you will have a VERY hard time especially if you're of a lower rank.
Over here it seems like being married under the rank of E-7 is a VERY VERY tough life. I don't know if that's the case with the US, but I would imagine something of the similar nature. I'm sure some of our American servicemen here like 03 will be able help you with that part.
Who your CO and senior NCO is will have a strong bearing on how good the relationships in the unit are. The better they are, the closer the unit is.

Me, I wouldn't advise anyone under the rank of Sgt to get married and then it's still gonna be rocky.
A`HOY, Snarvelbug, get you brain housing group over to my CP loads of infantry knowledge posted there and on my thread Fragmented Fighting Facts, and more to come.

IMO what makes a Marine special is not so much how they are trained it's not much different than the Army or even Navy any more, it's the fact that at a young age the man made the choice to join after hearing all the Rumors of how difficult it would be. Another words his steel that he got from his blood line.

Thank you

I appreciate the answers everyone's given me.

Could you please elaborate on how it's rough for a newbie to be married? Reading from the usmilitary.about page didn't make it sound as though being married was bit deal, or terribly unusual. I'm pretty deep in a relationship right now.
It would be a lot different if you were already in the USMC and then you got a girlfriend, that way you'd be accustomed to that life. I really hate to say this, but your chances don't seem that good for keeping her. But I don't know her and I don't know you so I can't say for sure. Good luck!

Personally, I would go USA (US Army) because of the better. Although, if you wanted great pay, come up here to Canada. We start at $40000!
Military life always places a major strain on relationships. However, I have seen people pull it off. It's all about balancing your professional and personal life.

And Cpl Matteo...$40,000 a year? Might want to check your numbers, son. I'm at Private Pay Incentive Level 3 and making just over $45,000 CAD/year. Private (Recruit) starts at $31,000 CAD/year while OCdt's start at anywhere between $14,000 and $31,000 CAD/year depending on your entry program.

Just a little tidbit of info for when you decide to join us.;)
Websites lie...

I personally think 31 grand is pretty darn nice for starters, including all the free stuff.