Arcade & The Slots

SilverPhoenix said:
They ate all my MilBucks.. :cry:


Sure me??? :D
Or sue me??? 8)

Go ahead Punk, make my day.... :twisted:
Like I always said, Gambling is the stupid man's tax or in this case stupid woman's tax. :lol: I'm not even going to try the slots until the output is greater than the input.
diplomatic_means said:
Like I always said, Gambling is the stupid man's tax or in this case stupid woman's tax. :lol: I'm not even going to try the slots until the output is greater than the input.

I'm going to fix this one soon..
I'm not happy right now :evil: the shooting game is not recognizing me as having the last two high scores. I got 810 and 869 in the shooting game and it said anonymous got them. Did it forget what my name is? And yes I was signed in.
Hm, strange...

Looks like it's only happening to you...
I'll try to fix it.
It may be because of the forum problem I described in "Forum Features" now...

It saves my Highscores without any problems.

Try a couple of more times and PM me if it's still a problem.
do the dice game thing... it doesn't eat a whole lot... usually you get more then you loose... i do neways :-D
So you found out that Frogger has only one level.. :?

I didn't make that game, so it's hard for me to make a level 2, but I'll try to find some new games soon.

acttually, its a well known secret that if you play the slots enough youl win...i won 1300 one day
It's like that with all gambling..
You win some, and you loose some..
Just look the stats, given and taken are almost the same, so someone else must have lost 1300Mb then.. :D