Anti-capitalist forum opens in Kenya (AP)

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AP - More than 80,000 people gathered for an annual anti-capitalist conference in Kenya's capital on Saturday, marching on Nairobi's largest slum to protest global policies they say hurt the poor.

They may well be correct, Capitalism does use up the little man, however until they find a workable alternative, I suggest that their protests are just a waste of time.
The pendulum swings back and forth. Unchecked Capitalism burns itself out just like Unchecked Communism and Socialism.

The biggest fear for people at the top is that there are always more people at the bottom, which is why those of lesser intelligence are used by the people at the top to herald ad nauseum the benefits of any such system over another.
And folks keep telling me that the threat of Communism is dead. Sorry but it is alive and is spreading like wild fire.