Another great Chinese invention...

wow...thats totally crazy......crazy how the internet influences our society and life now in days...and tragic on a life that was abruptly ended without a cause....:(
I don't know if I'd fight to keep my $200 of guns, but I know with certainty I'll fight to the death before you can have my internet. :D
Revival of psychosurgery :shock: thought we were past that. Did a article on that ...truly sickening practice. Shock therapy? omg...that's just horrible thing to do to one's child. :-x
Have you seen some kids lately? Those guys deserve to get electroshocked.
I find it hilarious when some news article refers to 17 year olds as "young 17 year old boy." Then you look at the picture and it's this dude that looks about 30 with bulging muscles and hormones out of control and a mind filled with junk from gangsta rap and GTA. That "young 17 year old boy" can f*cking kick your ass and throw your body in a dumpster.
Some of those 15 year olds aren't too different either. Don't know what we're feeding the kids but sometimes I swear those are some of the biggest 15 year olds I've ever seen.
Probably all the growth hormones and such in the food these days.

Anyways as long as you can support yourself there's no reason to treat internet addiction. I know some people who play WoW who really wouldn't have anything to do with themselves without the internet, but they're making more than I probably ever will.
What do you mean even Chinese baby food is considered a lethal weapon these days, only the strong survive Chinese manufacturing practices.

Anyway why were they beating the kid at this camp?

On Saturday afternoon, the boy's parents took him to the camp - a branch of the Guangzhou Lizhi Training Center for Youth Growth. Teachers in the camp put Deng in confinement and beat him in the evening, the report said.
Those camps are appropriate and the methods are agreed to by the parents.

Yeah, you know what those "kids" are like don't you? They're actually dangerous. If you choose to intervene, you better be willing to actually go so far as to maime them because they will never apologize or admit they are wrong, they will fight back, sometimes with knives. Of course the law will side with protecting the minors. So you should meet a few conditions.
a) There are no witnesses
b) Poor lighting
c) Pummel the living crap out of them so they barely remember what happened
d) You better be good at fighting

Tried to pull my nephew off the computer and he was acting like a heroin addict being taken away from his goods.