Americans are stupid!

I consider myself as a right leaning independent.

I do not support censorship - except in cases of true national security (which, as a retired Sr. Army Intel. Analysis, I believe I know something about) nor am I a great fan of Andy Griffith. I think the last several years it is obvious that all national media (not just FOX News) is guilty of - if not censorship - at least manipulating the truth to support their agendas.

So, as you stated, I believe that most Americans, indeed most people in the world, are stupid - and most of the rest are apathetic.

I read somewhere a long time ago that smart people know how much they don’t know; and those not so smart think they know everything.

After 68 years on earth (including 25 years in the Army - including VN and several years in Spec. Ops.) I know that I have a lot to learn.

Anyone who believes that "all" conservatives (Republicans, Tea Party, Independents, whatever your latest "guru" has told you to call them); or that "all" liberals (Democrats, Socialist, etc.)- are good, bad or evil, and/or ignorant has definitely drank way too much Kool-Aid!
Why the h**l is this troll still hanging around, spewing his hate? Don't like America? F***ing leave. We won't miss you, and the collective IQ of the entire country will go up by several points.
Happy medium

I consider myself as a right leaning independent.

I do not support censorship - except in cases of true national security (which, as a retired Sr. Army Intel. Analysis, I believe I know something about) nor am I a great fan of Andy Griffith. I think the last several years it is obvious that all national media (not just FOX News) is guilty of - if not censorship - at least manipulating the truth to support their agendas.

So, as you stated, I believe that most Americans, indeed most people in the world, are stupid - and most of the rest are apathetic.

I read somewhere a long time ago that smart people know how much they don’t know; and those not so smart think they know everything.

After 68 years on earth (including 25 years in the Army - including VN and several years in Spec. Ops.) I know that I have a lot to learn.

Anyone who believes that "all" conservatives (Republicans, Tea Party, Independents, whatever your latest "guru" has told you to call them); or that "all" liberals (Democrats, Socialist, etc.)- are good, bad or evil, and/or ignorant has definitely drank way too much Kool-Aid!

I think we should have censorship. My 8 year old can type in Pus.. and
bring up all kinds of crap. Yes you can install these watch dog programs that mess up the whole operating system or watch him 99 hours a day. However I don't need to see 1/2 this crap either.