Americans are NOT stupid?

WOW, were they questioning a hobo at one point..? yeah but anyways a lot of Americans are ignorant, seems like it doesn't it? That's not to say that we all are but, I mean come on KFC? the Berlin Wall? and there were 3 world wars?? yeah...those people were on crack right there
I recall the US states quiz that went around the internet a while back. You had to place each state within 10 miles (or whatever) of its correct location. The average score was about 30-35 our of 50.

The fact that the average american only knows 3/5 of where their country belongs is just pathetic.

For the record, I was 20 miles off on Nebraska. Got a 49 out of 50.
In the words of Larry the Cable Guy "Half the people you meet are below average"

Stupid people are everywhere not just America....
Wow, the "ten percent rule" looks bad when cut together.

"If you are going to be stupid you better be tough as hell".
I always found that to be good advice..heh
ah the ignorance of the masses...

Yeah we gots some stupid people here. But the great thing about video editing is that you can cut out all the people who gave the right answers.

Did anyone notice many of those people were the cream of society?