American RPG


Active member
At the dawn of 2007 after massive terrorist attacks and martial law being declared the nations of America and Canada have became unstable. The Governments have been taken by dictatorships due to having to keep the law. The States and Providences cry for freedom. In 2008 a Canadaian Legislator Is Fanaly passed that allows the providences freedom. The providences of course take this new found freedom. in 2009 The States of America Form Unions to Try to Get thier Freedom, The Southern Union, The Northern Union, The Middle Union and the Western Union, These Alliance allows the states to come together to try to get thier freedom and by the end of 2009 all States are trying to get thier freedom from the Union that was once the United States of America. On January 1.2010 They get that freedom, Washington D.C. is set ablaze killing the President. The States then declared thier freedoms, With this 50 new nations were brought into the world all at once. The Alliances stay strong for the defense of these new nations....America and Canada are no more....It's up for the Govoners to run these new nations....Good Luck!
An role playing game, You can pick which state you want and run it. You can create the state equviliant of a USSR or you can be a switzerland type state. It is realy your choice. The only thing we ask is you do not invade everyone and thier cousin.
I will say this we have alot of rules, but we also have a ton of military items you can build.
Yeah and the rules are pretty easy, plus if you need help you can always ask one of my moderators for help. The Only Places Taken that I know of are Minnosota,Quebec,Ohio,Pennsylvania,and Maryland.

O yeah Texas, and I think California is open...but California is like the America of states

:rambo: if you know what I meen.
hmmmm I think 200 nuclear weapons....all of the military's are posted on the forums also if you want to take a look around.