500,000ton Battleship

just assembling a crew for that behemouth would deplete what was left of the IJN's manpower in the later stages of WWII

That one is easy, as the joke goes: Employ one or more Italians...:

(Italian and US steel worker have a chat over the after work beer. Boasts the US worker: "Give me a hammer and a torch, and I build you an aricraft carrier". Answers the Italian: "Give me your daughter and I will take care of providing the crew"... :) )

Such massive battleships would be a waste. Planes off a carrier>that
The thing would be so big that it's gravitational pull would cause planes to crash as they approached it. :-D

Any way this was probably thought up when Japan heard of Hitler's plan for the Ratte and said "Damn, we got to dream up something crazier than that."
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All wasted by one submarine muahhahahaha
That is unless the submarine is stuck to the battleship's hull via it's immense gravity! And imagine how thick the hull must have been!

Any way, do you have any links for this ship?
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At that time not only Japanese and Germans were crazy about sizes, the Brits had their own project (never keel laid), the HMS Habakuk, a roughly 2.200.00 (!) tn ship built from pykrete, a kind of slow melting ice made from a mixture of 14% wood pulp and 86% water.

The idea was to build a super carrier that would be the base for U-Boat hunt in the Atlantic (the project was abandoned when the Azores served this purpose), insulated by vast amont of cork. It wouldhave been 100okg bomb proof, and easily repaired with ... water :)

Steam turbogenerators were to supply 33,000 hp (25,000 kW) for 26 electric motors mounted in separate external nacelles (normal, internal ship engines would have generated too much heat for an ice craft). Its armament would have included 40 dual-barrelled 4.5" DP (dual-purpose) turrets and numerous light AA guns, and it would have housed an airstrip and up to 150 twin-engined bombers or fighters.

Top speed 6 knots:





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At that time not only Japanese and Germans were crazy about sizes, the Brits had their own project (never keel laid), the HMS Habakuk, a roughly 2.200.00 (!) tn ship built from pykrete, a kind of slow melting ice made from a mixture of 14% wood pulp and 86% water.

The idea was to build a super carrier that would be the base for U-Boat hunt in the Atlantic (the project was abandoned when the Azores served this purpose), insulated by vast amont of cork. It wouldhave been 100okg bomb proof, and easily repaired with ... water :)

Steam turbogenerators were to supply 33,000 hp (25,000 kW) for 26 electric motors mounted in separate external nacelles (normal, internal ship engines would have generated too much heat for an ice craft). Its armament would have included 40 dual-barrelled 4.5" DP (dual-purpose) turrets and numerous light AA guns, and it would have housed an airstrip and up to 150 twin-engined bombers or fighters.

Top speed 6 knots:





Now the question is what would be more useful? One Pykrete carrier and it's air complement, two 500,000 ton battleships and their air complement, or 20 rattes?
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