17th Vermonter Dies In Iraq

Charge 7

Master Gunner
Word came today of the death of Sergeant First Class Chris Chapin. A fine man I'd met a few times at the Mountain Warfare School. He was a big man with a big heart. Ironic he was shot through that same heart. Somehow, that spells it all out for me of the heartlessness of those who oppose us in Iraq. SFC Chapin was shot by a sniper while distributing polling information to Iraqis.

You can read more about it here: http://www.timesargus.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050824/NEWS/508240370/1002

Vermont is a very small state. Just under 600,000 of us. Michael Moore has a section on his web site about the "disproportionate" number of deaths Vermonters have suffered in this conflict. 17 of us now or about one out of every 100 deaths in Iraq. What Moore fails to mention is that Vermont has by far the highest amount of servicemen per capita in the nation. We are three times the national average. That's why our proportion of deaths is so high - because our number of servicemen is so high.