0% of Polled Americans are in Iraq

Italian Guy

Milforum Hitman

0% of Polled Americans are in Iraq
September 23, 2005 at 8:48 pm
Sometimes humor speaks so truly……..

Scrapple Face

(2005-09-23) — "Hours after a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll revealed that fewer than half of respondents believe the U.S. can win the war in Iraq, a second survey showed that more than 99 percent of Americans are not in Iraq, and almost as many form opinions about the war based exclusively on what they learn from CNN, USA Today and other news organizations.

Of the 818 Americans telephoned by pollsters, according to an unnamed Gallup spokesman, roughly zero percent are currently stationed in Iraq, where about 150,000 U.S. troops spend their days providing security, hunting down terrorists, training Iraqi police and soldiers and rebuilding schools, water systems and other infrastructure elements.

Almost 97 percent of those surveyed answered “strongly agree” to the statement: “Every single thing I know about U.S. efforts in Iraq, I learned from news reports in the mainstream media.”

Does anyone else find it ironic that the groups of people who are the most optimistic about the future of Iraq are U.S. soldiers and Iraqi citizens who spend every single day in Iraq? Meanwhile those most pessimistic are people who have never set foot in Iraq and are 100% reliant on the liberal media for their information".

I found this extremely interesting. The media are biased and the people are pessimistic. When I hear the news over here is only bad news. That p :cen: s me off, because I know it's not like that.
I love the sentiment expressed by the article. It would be nice to have a CNN poll that represents indigenous personnel, or even ingenious personnel, but that can't happen when you are asking questions about a foreign country by calling US area codes.

Of course, we all know that any article with a by-line of Scrapple Face should probably be taken tongue in cheek.
