FM 999-3 Counter Zombie Operations at the Fireteam Level


Active member

First and foremost, welcome to the first forum where FM 999-3 was first posted. Next, please note that FM 999-3 is available for absolutely free. Just click HERE to view.

FM 999-3 discusses the basics in tactics and organization of a fireteam geared for fighting Zombies. It's based on intensive studies on real world scenarios which a Zombie outbreak would closely mirror. In fact, one of the more beneficial uses of preparing for a Zombie outbreak is that by preparing for one, you naturally prepare for a multitude of emergencies that do occur in real life, such as floods, hurricanes, and even riots, all depending on where in the world you live.

Like something or have questions about something you read in FM 999-3 or for fireteam sized teams in general? Post it here!