

Milforum Chaplain
Two brothers , one aged 7 the other 4, are in their room one night just after bed-time, and the 7 year old says to his younger brother:

"You know, its about time we started swearing, we're old enough now."

The 4 year old smiled and nodded approvingly.

"I tell you what" says the 7 year old, "tomorrow at breakfast, we'll swear in front of mom - OK?"

The four year old smiled and nodded his head approvingly.

The older brother then said the swear word he would use and he taught the 4 year old the swear word he would use. They both laughed and giggled as they practiced their swear words and they soon fell asleep.

Morning comes, and the boys dash down to the kitchen and take their regular seats. Their mother is at the stove frying and listening to the radio. Without turning around she calls out to the 7 year old: "What do you want for breakfast?"

The boys look at each other with mischievous smiles and the 7 year old calls back to his mother: "I'll have the bloody Coco-pops."

The mother bangs off the radio, swings around, heads for the table and whack!!! - the 7 year old goes flying out of his chair, slides accross the kitchen floor and hits his head on the bottom of the refrigerator. He gets up rubbing his head and lets out a squeal and runs crying up to his room slaming the door behind him. His younger brother looks on in shock.

The mother then glares at the four year old with her hands on her hips and says: "And what do you want for breakfast young man?"

"Well, I don't know" answers the four year old.....but I wont be asking for those f@#*ing Coco-pops."
LOL That's hilarious!!! That sounds like something my nieces and nephews would do. LOL