An Old Razor


Active member
I am sure we have all heard the old joke; no combat ready unit has passed parade; no parade ready unit has passed combat.

in my opinion the three best armies in history were the Germans around 1942, the British around 1914 and the Roman Legions of the 1st Century AD. In all cases they not only had a high degree of combat proficiency but were noted for their parade drill.

so my question is; does the old joke really hold true? or is it something that a civillian might come up with when seeing the pictures of the troops at the end of the battle.
Well...according to General Patton, troops that looked like slobs, and took no pride in their appearance or military manner, simply were soldiers waiting to be cut down i battle. He defitnetly believed appearance and bearing was a big indicator of a groups morale and will to fight as a soldier.

So, based on the fighting record of his forces (troops he commanded were to toe the line in appearance and manner) I d say the saying was wrong.

British senior NCO's in 1914, some of the most efficient and professional soldiers ever, awoke ready-shaven for parade at reveille every morning, in India, on their 10 year tours!
The Zulus? paraded and worked in formation & always took pride in their turnout. Also Samurai, who took the idea of warrior aesthete to the very highest level.