Luis Carriles the 'American' Bin Laden


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How can we take America's claims to be leading the war on terror seriously when people like this still remain free?

Luis Carriles an Cuban anti-communist terrorist who still lives freely in Miami. He has been convicted in absentia of a string of terrorist offenses including involvement in the bombing of a Cuban airliner in 1976 which killed 76 people, and bombing attempts on holiday resorts in 1997 which resulted in the death of an Italian tourist. His strategy was to target fashionable Cuban hotels and nightspots, to stop foreign nationals contributing to the Cuban economy.

Although America has made several half hearted attempts to convict him, he has always managed to retain his freedom, and although now 82 years old, vows to return to the fight. Peter Konbluh of the National Security Archive (a non-profit research Institution located in George Washington University) referred to him as "one of the most dangerous terrorists in recent history" and the "godfather of Cuban exile violence.

Luis Carriles is a popular figure in the politically sensitive swing state of Florida which along with his anti-Communism is surely the main reason he has managed to stay out of jail.