the July 22 1941 begin wars with ussr as this was...


actually, this is a damn good flash animation. Not only are the important aspects of the battles brought forth, but the side incidentals, such as the importance of the lend lease, the different compacts made with the allied groups (American and British) are explained in a detail not often found. I would definitely recommend its viewing. :salute2:
Моя бабулька в победе нашего народа не сомневалась, хоть и работала на заводе по производству снарядов.
My grandmother did not doubt a victory of our people, though worked on the factory of shells-production.
Very impressive.
The Detail is very very good.


My Russian is very poor and my spelling is worse. I have found russian an interesting language to learn. A bit harder then many of the Euopean languages but easyer then the asian ones.
